Property Details
Property Description
4 BR / 1.5 BA Single Family Home w/ 2 Car Garage containing 1,626 Sq Ft +/- built in 1890. Appraised $ 84,000.00 2/3 Min bid $ 56,000.00. Property must sell for 2/3 of appraised value. --- Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Brokers welcome. Contact PSO for broker registration and co-op-info. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
The following real property: situated in the County of Ashtabula in the State of Ohio and in the Township of Jefferson Being part of Lot 46 & 47, beginning at a point in the centerline of State Route 46 at the northwest corner of lands of W. & E. Oeffner (387-5); Thence North 20 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east, along the centerline of State Route 46, 129.00 feet to a point; Thence south 77 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east, along the south line of land of J. & J. Cornell (7-8490) and passing through an iron pin found in the east line of State Route 46 and passing through and iron pin 288.75 feet from the centerline of State Route 46, a distance of 391.32 feet to an iron pin set at the southeast corner of lands of Cornell; Thence south 21 degrees 52 minutes 37 seconds west, 129.41 feet to an iron pin in the north line of Oeffner, as aforementioned; Thence north 77 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds west and passing through an iron pin found in the east line of State Route 46, a total distance of 388.75 feet to the place of beginning and containing 1.1423 acres of land.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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