Property Details
Property Description
Online only foreclosure auction in Marion, Ohio of former Buckeye Lanes bowling alley including all tools, fixtures and equipment on site included. Property is 8,374 SF +/- and was originally built in 1920. Appraised by Sheriff for $60,000. Sale minimum is $40,000. Contact PSO for interior access.
Legal Description
Situated in the City of Marion, County of Marion and State of Ohio and more particularly described as follows: Being Fifty-two (52) feet off the North side of Lot Number One Hundred and Nine (109), Original town, and extending the entire depth thereof. THIS BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED TO MARION HOLDINGS LLC, AN OHIO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BY DEED FROM ROBERT S. MANNING AND CHERYL L. MANNING, HUSBAND AND WIFE, DATED 7/26/2013 AND RECORDED ON 7/31/2013 IN BOOK 1261, PAGE 175, IN THE MARION COUNTY RECORDER’S OFFICE. Parcel No. 123010000700
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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