Property Details
Legal Description
A parcel of land being part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 7 North, Range 7 East, York Township, Fulton County Ohio and being particularly described as follows: Commencing at a Railroad spike at the Northwest corner of said Section 33; thence South 02°10'00" West (bearings are taken from a previous survey) along the West line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 33 and the centerline of County Road 11 a distance of 530.00 feet to a 1" diameter magnetic spike at the intersection of the West line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 33 and the centerline of County Road 11 with the centerline of York-Henry No. 3; thence, in a Southeasterly direction along the centerline of said York-Henry No. 3, the following courses: South 49°53'00" East a distance of 324.00 feet; thence South 26°28'12" East a distance of 168.14 feet; thence North 89°13'40" West (leaving the centerline of said York-Henry No. 3) a distance of 336.16 feet (passing through a 5/8" dia. iron pin with a ID cap at a distance of 30.00" and 306.16 feet) to a magnetic nail on the West line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 33 and the centerline of County Road 11; thence North 02°10'00" East along the West line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 33 and the centerline of County Road 11 a distance of 355.00 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel herein described, containing 1.618 acres of land
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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