7540 Kirtley Drive


Property Details

Single Family

Legal Description

Situate in Kenwood, Sycamore Township, Hamilton County, Ohio, in the Highland Park Land Company Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 31, pages 20, 21, and 22 of the Hamilton County, Ohio records, to-wit: That part of lot No. 7 of Block "B" of said subdivision, beginning at a point in the southerly line of Kirtley Drive, 7 feet east of the west line of said lot No.7, as measured along Kirtley Drive, running thence eastwardly along the southerly line of Kirtley Drive 58 feet; thence southwardly on a line parallel to the east line of said Lot, 175 feet to the south line of said lot; thence westwardly along said south line 58 Feet to a point; thence northwardly on a line parallel to the west line of said lot, 175 Feet to Kirtley drive and the point of beginning.


Foreclosure Details

U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for Residential Asset Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-KS2
Brownfield, William Thomas
Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas
Ethna M. Cooper
A 1703464
The auction has ended.
Wed 11/14/2018 1:00 PM EST
Wed 11/21/2018 1:09 PM EST